with FD-1 - a Semi-Modular Effect Plugin built around a
VA Filter Section paired with a Stereo Delay and topped off with an Analog-Style Step Sequencer & LFO
Built around a Virtual Analog Multimode Filter featuring 2 & 4 Pole options, FD-1 is a true filtering powerhouse!
After the filter section, the signal enters a powerfull delay stage capable of everything from basic echos over long, modulated delays to short time stutter, chorus or flanger type effects.
The mod section includes an analog stype step sequencer and low frequency oscialltor, both of which can be applied to almost any control within the plugin.
FD-1 includes a built-in Low Frequency Oscillator and Analog Style Step Sequencer
both of which can modulate anything inside the plugin - even each other.
FD-1 operates using a powerful yet easy to use Mod Matrix where
Routings are easily created right from the main screen
and a dedicated Routing Page provides an overview of all active modulations.
FD-1 supports all the standards you might expect to find in a modern iOS Music Application.
FD-1 is built as a Audio Unit Extension, use it like a plug-in in your DAW.
With Inter-App Audio you can use FD-1 when recording into other apps such as Garageband.
Use FD-1 with AudioBus to further route or process sounds in other apps.
Of course, FD-1 comes with a solid standalone app as well.